The 5 pillars of a healthy lifestyle

The pillars of a healthy lifestyle are as follows:


The first pillar of a healthy lifestyle is probably the most obvious one… In spite of the fact that this is the most difficult subject to describe, because the right diet is an individual choice. It is not possible for there to be universal principles of nutrition that would apply to all individuals.

Healthy lifestyle, Healthy eating is based on the following principles:

  1. The consumption of a large amount of plant-based products, primarily vegetables, whole grains, and fruits
  2. Lean, white meat and fish meat from good sources are the best choices if meat is to be consumed as part of the diet
  3. Meals should be consumed in a regular manner (usually from three to five per day), but the number of meals depends on the individual.
  4. An appropriate amount of Omega 3-6-9 fatty acids
  5. Taking supplements that we are unable to obtain naturally (pay particular attention to vitamin D3 and vitamin B12 in people who follow a plant-based diet).

A healthy diet affects many aspects of our bodies, but also – and this is extremely important – its positive effects can be felt in our everyday lives. The digestive system is less prone to unpleasant ailments, and we have more energy. Simply feeling better on a daily basis can be achieved by finding the most effective way to eat for you.


It is good to see that a growing number of people are talking about the importance of physical activity as a part of health care. We are not just talking about improving our physical fitness or our performance when we talk about this. For our bodies to function properly, it is essential that we move around as much as possible.

In particular, it increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin, which is of great importance in the prevention and treatment of type II diabetes, which can be classified as a civilization problem, as it increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin. As a result, physical activity is an extremely important element of both prevention and treatment of certain diseases, as well as preventing certain diseases from occurring in the first place.

healthy lifestyle
Working in a garden

The purpose of using the word “daily activity” rather than the word “sport” is to avoid provoking internal objections within people, as I am aware that the latter is frowned upon. Although I am quite active myself, I understand this reluctance to participate in sports for a majority of people, even though I am quite active myself.

This is why, when I talk about this pillar today, I want to pay special attention not to the organized activities such as running or yoga, but rather to activities you can engage in on your own… As a matter of fact, I would like to emphasize the importance of spontaneous activities, i.e. the ones that are not planned and which do not require a particular number of repetitions in order to be effective.

It is an activity that each of us can afford to engage in on a daily basis, for example getting off two stops earlier on the bus and walking while going to or from work, intensively cleaning the apartment after listening to music you enjoy or dancing to your favorite song.

There is no doubt that being in motion every day is the most important thing for our bodies. I don’t believe it has to be linked to the competitive nature of sports and the murderous nature of training.

There is no question that there are many different types of organized activities that you can choose from in your adult life. Physical activity doesn’t have to be a chore in our adult lives. Currently, we are all fortunate to be able to choose from such a large variety of different activities that we can all find something that we will enjoy doing at some point in the future. We should look for it, because activity can bring us many benefits, including physical ones, which are worth finding out about.

3.    The prevention phase

Preventive care is often discussed within the context of regular checkups, but I take a broader view when discussing this topic. Taking care of safety and minimizing risk is also important to me, because the loss of health can be the consequence of various factors, including genetic conditions or our own negligence, as well as another accident.

As examples of preventive actions, I would like to give the following examples:

  1. As a driver, I attach great importance to driving in a safe and legal manner. As a result, I minimize the risk of myself becoming involved in an accident as much as possible.
  2. It is a good idea for me to wear a helmet when cycling. Initially, I used to resist it, saying that I drive very carefully, but now I realize that I was making no sense by resisting it. There are a lot of road users on the road and it is very common for other users to cause accidents. My caution is definitely not enough in this scenario. It has been shown that wearing a helmet increases my chances of surviving an accident on a bicycle.
  3. Since I will be walking in poorly lit areas, I tend to wear reflectors (outside the built-up areas, it is mandatory, but I am referring to even the traffic in the city).
  4. There is no smoking in my house.
  5. By using sunscreens, I reduce the risk of skin cancer caused by excessive exposure to UV radiation, therefore I reduce my risk of developing skin cancer.
  6. Regular preventive examinations are something I do on a regular basis.
  7. As a result of knowing more or less the history of diseases in my family, I know what issues I should pay attention to when it comes to health care.
  8. There is no way that I charge when practicing sports, in fact, I always act very protectively in order to ensure that I do not suffer an injury, or worse, an accident that could have been more serious.

The primary goal of prevention is to improve awareness of risks and to take appropriate actions to avoid them if at all possible.


A healthy lifestyle, healthy body and mind cannot exist without a sufficient amount of sleep and regeneration of the body. It has been shown that neglecting this pillar contributes to a variety of lifestyle diseases, lowers the body’s immunity, deteriorates our memory and concentration, and leads to cognitive dysfunction as well as many other problems. It is possible to compare our body to a machine that is constantly in motion.

The mechanisms of the body require a certain amount of time to regenerate in order to be able to work properly. Resting or sleeping is the only time when this happens to us. For most people, 7-8 hours of sleep is the optimal time for this extremely important regeneration process to take place. healthy lifestyle ..

Healthy Lifestyle

This is something that I think a lot of people still forget about or push into the background because there is always something more important to do than to rest, and there is never enough time to sleep. Healthy lifestyle, I believe that this is an issue that many people still ignore.

On the one hand, this is understandable nowadays, however, on the other hand, it should be a matter of prioritizing. Sleep is one of the pillars of a healthy lifestyle, so one must place a lot of importance on it.

5.    The state of mental health

My intention for this article is to write about the fifth pillar, healthy lifestyle,  a very expansive issue, which can even be compared to a river, but I will only try to give a brief overview of it. Taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health.

There are many diseases which have a psychosomatic background and vice versa – diseases of the body that negatively impact our mental well-being are connected vessels that greatly influence each other. It is crucial that we recognize that the body and psyche are connected vessels that greatly influence each other.

Healthy lifestyle, Hence, I just want to emphasize right away the most important thing – do not be afraid to seek the help of experts. Just as we would go to our doctor with a sore leg or stomach, we should also employ specialists in the case of diseases that affect our minds.

It is especially important to keep in mind this after the pandemic, when our mental health has been put to a very serious test. Many people are still struggling to cope with the effects of this unusual situation to this day.

You can also read about healthy lifestyle,  Healthy Eating Routine For The Family

In addition, what can you do on a daily basis to take care of your mental health?

  1. Making sure that the relationships with loved ones are taken care of…
  2. The second thing is to set clear boundaries. If someone desires something from us that is beyond our abilities, strengths, or desires, it is necessary for us to set clear boundaries as well.
  3. To avoid the destructive influence that stress can have on your life, to find a way to deal with it (for example, breathing exercises),
  4. Discovering your passions and pursuing them,
  5. Taking action that is beneficial to others – such as volunteering, participating in fundraising events, etc.
  6. Allowing yourself to enjoy small pleasures related to food on a regular basis,
  7. Letting go, when something overwhelms us at the moment, if we can.
  8. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle work-life balance as well as taking care of yourself
  9. Being in touch with nature and taking part in outdoor activities
  10. For healthy lifestyle, Visiting new places.

Click Here For : Maintain Healthy Habits While Traveling

Healthy lifestyle, My list of reasons to find peace and mental balance could go on for a long time… In fact, each of us should find our own way to reach it, and it may mean something different to each of us. In my opinion, taking care of our physical health is not enough if we do not take care of our mental health, and I want to emphasize that above all else.

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