A child can catch a cold six to eight times a year, twice as often as an adult(effective ways of preventing colds). Even though there are many remedies that can be used to help with stuffy or runny noses and sneezing in children, are there any studies that validate their effectiveness?
It is easy to find a wide range of medications in the drugstores and supermarkets that claim to treat cold symptoms and you will find them everywhere.
As reported by the British Medical Journal, a journal published in the United Kingdom, there is little evidence that these over-the-counter drugs are actually effective in treating pain and stress.
It is very important to take vitamin D in order to avoid colds and flu(effective ways of preventing colds)
When you catch the first flu, you are at risk for the rest of your life(effective ways of preventing colds)
Moreover, there are also some prescriptions that are not suitable for both children and pregnant women, such as the ‘decongestants’ that are available to open up stuffy noses and ears and therefore are not recommended for both children and pregnant women.
According to the journal, if symptoms of a common cold are left untreated, such as a sore throat, cough, stuffy nose, fever, and sneezing, they will go away on their own within a week.
The truth is that there isn’t a magic cure for the common cold and there’s nothing like taking a pill and catching a cold all at once.
There is no magic cure for the common cold and the truth is that there is no cure at all
How does a blocked nose open up(effective ways of preventing colds)?
If a child has stuffy nose, a specialist in neonatal diseases and pediatric health explains that parents should use salt water or ‘saline nasal wash’. Cleaning the nose with salt water is also known as nasal irrigation or nasal irrigation therapy.
There are a variety of forms of saline washes available on the market, including nasal drops and nasal sprays.

According to doctors, the salt water is effective at removing the substances stuck in the children’s nose, and in doing so, the children’s nose begins to open.
According to him, this recipe is completely safe to use daily as long as you follow the instructions accurately, as there are no side effects associated with it.
The other thing that you can do is give children paracetamol available in the form of ‘calpol’ to reduce fever as well as to improve breathing as a consequence of the fever.
Are there any things you should avoid doing?
There is a recommendation by the British Department of Health that children under the age of twelve should not be given decongestants because these decongestants can cause drowsiness or upset stomachs, along with other undesirable side effects.
These types of medications can be used by people over the age of 18, however according to a recent study published in the British Medical Journal, we should only use them for no more than three to seven days at a time.
It is known that decongestants like these reduce inflammation in the nose and throat, making it easier for you to breathe.
As a result of inflammation in the nose and throat, you are able to breathe more easily.
The only downside to these medications is that along with opening up the airways, they can also cause headaches and sleeplessness, and if you take them continuously, you can develop chronic nasal congestion if you take them for too long.
In accordance with Doctor’s opinion, cough syrup should not be given to children since it does not stop the cough but it does not remove the irregular substances stuck in the nose and throat of the child.
In addition, as far as antibiotics are concerned, they are not very effective against colds (effective ways of preventing colds)due to the fact that antibiotics only work if you have a bacterial infection, not a common cold.
It is also recommended that children should not take any steam in their noses or mouths, according to the British Ministry of Health.
Do you have any experience with home remedies (effective ways of preventing colds)?
The scientific research on home remedies for colds is very limited as it relates to the effectiveness of these treatments.
A British Medical Journal study found that the following home remedies or tips are not proven to be effective or have been researched by scientists or physicians.(effective ways of preventing colds)
- Take a moment to breathe in the warm air that fills the room
- Keep your energy level up so you do not run out of steam
- The herb Echinacea (also known as Gul Panj Hazari)
- A probiotic supplement is a supplement that contains live bacteria
- Using eucalyptus oil as a skin care product
It is also stated that there is no specific evidence to suggest that vitamins C, zinc, and garlic would help with colds as well as make cold symptoms go away faster, as stated by the Department of Health.
Is there a time when you should take your child to the doctor ?
If you are concerned about the health of your child, you should take him or her to a doctor as soon as possible:(effective ways of preventing colds)
- There should be a fever that starts at or above 38.5 degrees Celsius
- There is an appearance of a rash on the body that does not go away
- Despite the fact that the symptoms of a cold persist for several days, it does not go away.
Are there any other suggestions you would like to share?(effective ways of preventing colds).
The best way to cure a cold quickly is to keep children warm and to drink a lot of fluids(effective ways of preventing colds).
As it turns out, the common cold is actually caused by viruses that are transmitted from person to person, especially among children.
In order to prevent colds, you can wash your hands regularly with lukewarm water and soap and avoid touching your eyes when you are sick.
You should use a tissue to cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze and to throw away the tissue as soon as possible after the sneeze has been made(effective ways of preventing colds).